Real-time Insight

Monitor and discover the main causes of stress and dissatisfaction with the Liftaware Snap Check

Real-Time Data for Informed Decisions

The Snap Check is a daily check-in, done by your workforce in (literally) 3 seconds. It is simple, has high response rates and helps you understand exactly what obstacles your people are facing on a day-to-day level. Through concise, regular check-ins, we gather real-time data on employee sentiment, engagement and wellbeing

This streamlined approach helps you

Start campaign

Select easily the frequency, the period and categories

Employees fill it in

Select easily the frequency, the period and categories

Monitor and improve

Analyze results and make the data-driven decisions

Maximize vitality, satisfaction and retention in your organization

Make impactful decisions

See something that can add value within your organization?

We are curious to hear more about your organization and challenges.

Fill in the contact form on the right or send a WhatsApp to +316 51 477 060.

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